
TSC Technology



We utilize our knowledge & technologies globally.

TSC is an independent IT company that provides a variety of solutions services, utilizing IT Technologies such as cloud and ERP. We develop mission-critical tasks, production management and logistics systems.
TSC is the company that has one of the largest scale of business at the Tama area based in Tachikawa. We contributed to improve the efficiency of various tasks proposing and applying the best solutions for each clients including some Tama' s listed companies on the first section of Stock Exchange. We proposed flexible solutions each client utilizing our advantage as an independent company.
With our high quality and building the deep trust, 80 percent of our clients have been continuing dealings of more than 20 years.

TSC also expanded business in China and other Asian countries. In China, we established an overseas affiliated company in Shanghai. We are involved in the financial systems and Smart City project, etc.
In addition, TSC is actively expanding IT business in cooperation with India, Vietnam, and Laos.

System development by the cutting-edge technologies

We provide various system development and solution services while incorporating the latest technology.
Recently, we have also been focusing on RFID-based businesses, research and development of human interface, and building of auto call system by voice synth.

Cloud service

Having Microsoft Office 365 and Amazon Web Services at the top of the list, it has become common to provide virtual services on the cloud instead of on-premises. We also train cloud service specialists in-house and provide it as one of the solutions for various business issues. Office 365 is changing work styles. The cloud environment provides flexible services that don't depend on the location. This is a technical field that is essential for the Work System Reform and the realization of DX these days, so we are actively working on it.

Cloud service


We are always chanllenging on the cutting-edge technology. One of them is R & D in collaboration with industry and academic. In the Tama area, there are many excellent universities that work on research issues. Currently, we are collaborating with local universities to develop the AI/IoT that can predict yield in the open field and has optimal AI control engine for irrigation by utilizing the strengths of universities and companies.
AI・IoT has the power to significantly change our future.
We are challenging every day to make use of this AI technology for the bright future of society.


Management & Support for Counting & Tracking (RFID Business)

TSC supports a counting and tracking of people in a variety of events and large-scale commercial facilities, utilizing RFID tags.
We set up the measuring devices at each survey points to collect and consolidate the number of visitors, and the time that each visitor has spent at the venue. This enables us to grasp total number of visitors, duration of time that the each visitor has spent and the behavior of visitors such as overall visitor flow.


Support for Marathon Events (Utilizing RFID System)

TSC constructed the Marathon Tracking system using RFID tag and its system is utilized in a marathon around the country.
When runner wearing a RFID tag, pass through the certain gate example as the middle point or goal point that is installed the measuring device, this RFID is an automatic measurement system to count the time and order. This system is available from a few thousand to the tens of thousands Marathon events.


Human Interface Research & Development

TSC engages in human interface research & development working with industry-academia-government collaboration in order for every people to utilize information and telecommunications ensuring security.
TSC develops speech synthesis system, etc. by collecting and analyzing vast amount of data of speech synthesis, character recognition system and image recognition system.


Automated Calling System by Speech Synthesis

TSC automated calling system implement the business, such as reminders of tax, etc., and TSC develop this "reminder system" by automated calling system using speech synthesis.
Our automated calling system is utilized by local governments, city gas companies, and research company.
